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Automation Studio Detail Page


The Automation Studio page is a powerful tool to create and edit rules which can send messages when a set criteria is met. Search Ads Maven makes it easy to create a Standard Rule which allows you to quickly create an automation rule through a guided process. The Automation Studio also provides the ability to create advanced rules through the use of Blockly Editor or JAvaScript Editor. The advanced rules provide the ability to refine and scripted rules to the degree needed for any need. The Automation Studio also provides a log displaying the various messages that have been sent based on the created rules, as well as the analytics associated with the created rules.

The Automation Studio page also provides Scripted Automation which is an advanced tool allowing programmatic creation of automation rules. For more information on Scripted Automation, refer to our support documentation.

Create Standard Rule

NOTE: Depending on the rule level selected, options will be different.

  1. Click Create Rule.
  2. Click Standard Rule.
  1. Select a Rule Level:
    1. Organization(s)
    2. Application(s)
    3. Campaign(s)
    4. Ad Group(s)
  2. Select a Field:
    1. Spend
    2. Installs
    3. Impressions
    4. CPA
    5. CPT
    6. TTR
    7. Lat On Installs
    8. Lat Off Installs
    9. Conversion Rate
    10. New Downloads
    11. Re Downloads
    12. Taps
  3. Select a Condition:
    1. Greater Than
    2. Less Than
    3. Range
    4. Not In Range
  4. Enter a Value.
  5. NOTE: Multiple conditions may be added to the automation rule.

  6. If other conditions need to be added, click +Add and repeat the steps above.
  7. If an additional Rule needs to be added, click + Add Rule.
  8. Select the Condition Matching parameters:
    1. All must match
    2. Only one should match
  9. Select how often to Check Conditions:
    1. Last 1 day
    2. Last 7 days
    3. Last 30 days
    4. Date Range
    5. NOTE: If Date Range is selected, an additional filed will be provided to select the desired date range.

  10. Once all desired Rules and Conditions have been entered, click >Step 2.

NOTE: Multiple actions may be added to selected levels (i.e. Applications, Organizations, Campaigns) to send messages to both email addresses and Slack channels. If multiple actions need to be added, click + Add.

NOTE: Actions can be added for different levels (i.e. Applications, Organizations, Campaigns) in order to send emails and/or messages to Slack channels when the defined conditions are met by clicking + Add Action.

  1. Create an Action:
    • Organization(s)
      1. Select the Organization.
    • Application(s)
      1. Click Choose.
      2. Check the desired app.
      3. Click Apply.
    • Campaign(s)
      1. Click Choose.
      2. Click on the desired campaign in the left column.
      3. Check the campaign in the middle column.
      4. Add additional campaigns by repeating the above two steps.
      5. NOTE: Campaigns may be removed by clicking on the trash can icon.

      6. Click Apply.
    • Ad Group(s)
      1. Click Choose.
      2. Click on the desired group in the left column.
      3. Check the group in the middle column.
      4. Add additional Ad Groups by repeating the above two steps.
      5. NOTE: Ad Groups may be removed by clicking on the trash can icon.

      6. Click Apply.
    • Keyword(s)
      1. Click Choose.
      2. Click on the desired Keyword in the left column.
      3. Check the Keyword in the middle column.
      4. Add additional Keywords by repeating the above two steps.
      5. NOTE: Keywords may be removed by clicking on the trash can icon.

      6. Click Apply.
  2. Select a Subaction:
    • Email Notification.
      1. Select the email address from the drop-down list.
      2. Click >Step 3.

      NOTE: If additional email addresses need to be added, click the Add Other Email(s) check box and an additional drop-down list will be provided. If all emails on the list need to be added, click Select All.

    • Slack
      1. Select Slack Notification action.
      2. Select the desired Channel from the drop-down list.
  3. Click >Step 3.
  1. Enter a unique Rule Name.
  2. Select a Check Frequency:
    • Every 6 hours
    • Every 12 hours
    • Every day
  3. Select a Date Range.
  4. Check Run Indefinitely.
  5. NOTE: When Run Indefinitely is selected, this automation rule will continue to be applied at the specified interval and will remain in effect regardless of how many times it is triggered.

  6. Click Create.

Create an Advanced Rule

  1. Click Create Advanced Rule.
Blockly Editor

NOTE: Blockly Editor is the default Advanced Rule generator.

Blockly uses interlocking graphical blocks to represent code. The blocks represent concepts such as variables, logical expressions and more. This drag and drop method provides a quick and easy way to create rules within the Automation Studio.

Using Templates

Search Ads Maven provides templates organized in the path that users navigate to install and use an app (i.e., Impression, Tap, Install, Events). Select from one of the following Templates:
  • Keyword Journey — Stage 1 — Impressions
  • Keyword Journey — Stage 2 — Taps
  • Keyword Journey — Stage 3 — Installs
  • Keyword Journey — Stage 4 — Events

Adding Containers

Adding containers provides the ability to insert inputs, triggers and actions in an organized manner. Search Ads Maven has created pre-labeled containers:
  • Inputs
  • Triggers
  • Campaign Action
  • Adgroup Action
  • Keyword Action
  • One-Time Action

Adding and Manipulating Blocks

Blocks are available within three different categories:
  • Query
  • Logic
  • Values
By Selecting one of the categories, the available blocks will be displayed allowing for the desired block to be dragged and dropped into place. When a block is placed, additional blocks may be connected creating the query, logic and value expressions. As blocks are placed, the corresponding code is created and displayed in the SQL window.

Testing Your Code

Once you have all of the code blocks in place, click Test Run. Search Ads Maven will run through the logic of your created code, testing the code and returning any errors that may be sent back.

Saving Advanced Rules

Once you have created and tested your code, you have the option of saving the specific rule.
  1. Enter a unique Rule Name.
  2. Select a Goal.
  3. Select a Date Range.
  4. Select a Check Frequency.
  5. Select a Lookback (Days).
  6. Check Send Reports. (optional)
    1. Select the Email Address.
    2. Select a Channel.
    3. Enter Other Email IDs.
  7. Click Save.
JavaScript Editor
  1. Click JavaScript Editor.
  2. WARNING: Converting a rule to JavaScript is a one-way conversion. ANy rule that is converted to JavaScript cannot be converted back to Blockly.

  3. Click Yes, Convert.
  4. Using Templates

    Search Ads Maven provides templates to accomplish specific tasks (i.e., pause poor campaigns, reallocate fund to strong campaigns). Select from one of the following Templates:
    • Pause Poorly Performing Campaigns
    • Reallocate Funds to Performant Campaigns

    Adding Containers

    Adding containers provides the ability to insert inputs, triggers and actions in an organized manner. Search Ads Maven has created pre-labeled containers:
    • Inputs
    • Triggers
    • Campaign Action
    • Adgroup Action
    • Keyword Action
    • One-Time Action

    Adding Code

    Within each container parameters, functions and values are provided. Clicking on any of the parameters, functions or values will add the corresponding code to the editor.

    Testing Your Code

    Once you have all of the code blocks in place, click Test Run. Search Ads Maven will run through the logic of your created code, testing the code and returning any errors that may be sent back.

    Saving Advanced Rules

    Once you have created and tested your code, you have the option of saving the specific rule.
    1. Enter a unique Rule Name.
    2. Select a Goal.
    3. Select a Date Range.
    4. Select a Check Frequency.
    5. Select a Lookback (Days).
    6. Check Send Reports. (optional)
      1. Select the Email Address.
      2. Select a Channel.
      3. Enter Other Email IDs.
    7. Click Save.

Managing and Locating Rules

Search Ads Maven provides a quick and easy way for your to locate your rules as well as perform tasks associated with the maintenance of those rules. A search field is provided for you to easily locate any of your rules by typing part of all of the rule name. Rules can also be organized by specific columns. Clicking on a column will organize all of the rules in either ascending or descending order. The following columns are available to organize your rules by:
  • S.NO
  • Name
  • Status
  • Frequency

Managing Rules

Search Ads Maven provides tools for the managing of your rules.


A radio button is provided for all advanced rules. Clicking on the radio button will either disable or enable the rule.


For advanced rules an edit option is provided to enable you to quickly enter back into the desired rule and update as needed.
  1. Locate the desired rule.
  2. Click on the Pencil Icon
  3. Update the Advanced Rule.
  4. Click Update.


The clone tool allows for the easy creation of additional rules by using existing rules as a starting point.

NOTE: For more information on rule conditions, actions and settings refer to the sections above.

  1. Click on the Clone Icon.
  2. Update the desired Conditions.
  3. Click > Step 2.
  4. Update the desired Actions.
  5. Click > Step 3.
  6. Update the desired Settings.
  7. Click Create.


The preview option is available for Standard Rules, and provides the ability to view the conditions, actions and settings of a rule.
  1. Click on the Preview (eye) Icon.
  2. Update the desired Conditions.
  3. Click > Step 2.
  4. Update the desired Actions.
  5. Click > Step 3.
  6. Update the desired Settings.
  7. Click Create.


Clicking on the run icon will automatically start the desired rule.


Keyword Journey

The Keyword Journey tool within Search Ads Maven provides the ability to explore new Keywords and optimize spend for maximum efficiency and performance.

When a new keyword is added to a campaign, not a lot of data is present associated with that new keyword. It is unknown if that keyword will produce taps or fall in line with the established goals. Keyword Journey provides the ability to promote the keywords that are successful and increase spend, as well as limit the amount of spend that goes to the keywords that are not performing.

Keyword Journey is divided into five overarching areas:
  • Impressions
  • Taps
  • Install
  • Goal
  • Keyword Established

Each one of these areas has their own strategies and each one has an application within Keyword Journey. Search Ads Maven has built scripts around each one of the areas on behalf of our customers to provide recommendations, and provide the highest likelihood of success.

  1. Click Create Rule.
  2. Click Keyword Journey.
General Settings
The General Settings provide the opportunities to establish the outcomes, constraints and details for a specific ad spend this Keyword Journey will manage.

  1. Enter a Unique Keyword Journey Name.
  2. Select the desired App.
  3. Select the desired Campaign.
  4. Select the desired Goal.
  5. Enter the Lookback days.
  6. NOTE: Lookback days default is set to 30 days.

  7. Check Send Reports (optional) and select one or more of the following:
    • Email
    • Channel
    • Other Email IDs
  8. Click Next.
Impression Settings
The Impression stage is the start of the journey for keywords that have only received impressions within the lookback window. During the Impression stage, bids will be increased by the amount entered in the Bid Increase amount until the keyword receives a tap or the max bid ceiling is reached.

  1. Enter a Max Bid.
    This is the maximum allowable bid when a keyword has resulted in an impressions but not taps within the lookback window.
  2. Enter a Min Bid.
    If there is a lower bid the the value entered, it will be raised to the Min Bid for a keyword that has resulted in impression but not taps within the lookback window.
  3. Enter a Bid Increase.
    This is the amount automation will increase a keyword’s current bid if no taps have occurred within the lookback window.
  4. Click Next.
Tap Settings
The Tap stage of the Keyword Journey applies to keywords that have received impressions and taps within the lookback window but have not resulted in a install of purchase yet. In this stage, keyword bids will continue to incrementally increase by the Bid Increase amount until the keyword achieves an install, the bid reaches the max bid amount or if the keyword’s spend reaches the spend cap.

  1. Enter a Spend Cap.
    This is the maximum amount the rule will allow to be spent on a keyword without that keyword ever resulting in an install. Once the max is met, the keyword’s bid will be set to the Min Bid.
  2. Enter a Max Bid.
    This is the maximum allowable bid when a keyword has resulted in a tap but not an install within the lookback window.
  3. Enter a Min Bid.
    If there is a lower bid the the value entered, it will be raised to the Min Bid for a keyword that has resulted in a tap but not an install within the lookback window.
  4. Enter a Bid Increase.
    This is the amount automation will increase a keyword’s current bid if no installs have occurred within the lookback window.
  5. Click Next.
Install Settings
The Install stage of the Keyword Journey applies to keywords that have achieved impressions, taps and installs within the lookback window, but have not yet resulted in a goal event. In this stage, bids are targeting Cost Per Install (CPI) multiplied by the ratio of installs to taps. Bids are also limited by the maximum bid and spend cap.

  1. Enter a Target CPI.
    Defines the highest acceptable cost per install for a keyword that has resulted in an install but not a goal event within the lookback window.
  2. Enter a Max Bid.
    This is the maximum allowable bid when a keyword has resulted in an install but no goal events within the lookback window.
  3. Enter a Min Bid.
    If there is a lower bid the the value entered, it will be raised to the Min Bid for a keyword that has resulted in an install but but no goal events within the lookback window.
  4. Enter a Spend Cap.
    The maximum allowable spend on a keyword that has resulted in installs but no goal events within the lookback window. Once the spend cap is met, the keyword’s bid amount is set to the Min Bid.
  5. Click Next.
Event Settings
The Event stage of the Keyword Journey focuses on the keywords that have achieved goal events and therefor shows promise of true value. The Event stage utilizes a base bid, which is determined by:
  • CPG : CPG target multiplied by the goal events-to-taps ratio.
  • ROAS : Revenue per goal-to-target ROAS ratio multiplied by the goal events-to-taps ratio.

  1. Enter a Max Bid.
    Defines the highest acceptable cost per install for a keyword that has resulted in an install but not a goal event within the lookback window.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • ROAS
    • CPG
  3. Define the lowest acceptable ROAS for a keyword or the target CPG.
  4. Enter a Max Boost Multiplier.
    This is the maximum allowable bid when a keyword has resulted in an install but no goal events within the lookback window.
  5. Enter a Min Event Count.
    If there is a lower bid the the value entered, it will be raised to the Min Bid for a keyword that has resulted in an install but but no goal events within the lookback window.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Save.


The Automation Logs provide a reference for the status of the automations that have been created and sent. Logs can be filtered to locate a specific log, or logs may be navigated through.




The Automation Analytics tab provides the ability to view datasets across the selected timeframe.


As many datasets as desired may be selected in order to display the most relevant information for you. Each dataset will be displayed in a unique color and mousing over any of the dataset day intersections to view the corresponding data. A dataset can be removed by clicking on the associated “X”.

Date Selection

  • Today and Yesterday
  • Week to Date
  • Last Week
  • Last 7 Days
  • Month to Date
  • Last Month
  • Last 30 Days
  • Manual Selection
Updated on September 28, 2023

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