The Ads Manager page provides a central location for your data, enabling you to organize and visualize that data in a way that is clearest to you. The Ads Manager page is divided into three main sections, the first is a graphic chart displaying the selected datasets, the second is a Total Summary section providing key metrics for the selected category and timeframe, and the third is a spreadsheet style layout with rows and columns of your selected datasets.
This page provides detail instructions on the use of the tools present on this page.
Input Settings
The header of each page within Search Ads Maven provides the ability to change user settings, language settings, app selection, data period selection as well as shortcuts for syncing data and creating a campaign.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Job Title
The Setup Password feature provides the opportunity to change the current user’s password.
- Click Setup Password.
- Enter a New Password.
- Confirm the Password.
- Click Submit.
The following languages are available for display within the UI:
- English (EN)
- German (DE)
- Spanish (ES)
- Korean (KO)
- Chinese (ZH)
- Japanese (JA)
- French (FR)
- Search
- Select Account
- Select App
- Select Goal
- Select Campaign Type
- Select Campaign
- Select Ad Group
- Select Ad
Line Chart
The line chart can display data on a daily, weekly or monthly basis; a drop-down menu is provided to select from those options. The line chart is composed of the selected datasets. Each dataset is given a unique color which corresponds to the color assigned on the line chart. A drop-down menu is provided for selecting the desired metrics for display. Mousing over any of the data-points will display the corresponding date and value. The line chart can be expanded in for a larger view of the graph. The following options are available for selection:- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
- Goal Revenue
- Goal Event Count
- Goal ROAS
- Cost Per Goal
- Revenue Per Goal
- Goal ARPU
- Goal AMPU
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
- Goal Revenue
- Goal Event Count
- Goal ROAS
- Cost Per Goal
- Revenue Per Goal
- Goal ARPU
- Goal AMPU
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
- Goal Revenue
- Goal Event Count
- Goal ROAS
- Cost Per Goal
- Revenue Per Goal
- Goal ARPU
- Goal AMPU
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Spend
- Conversion Rate
- Average CPA
- Average CPT
Total Summary
The Total Summary section displays totals for the following metrics for the selected timeframe:- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
The Worksheet display is a customizable layout which shows the selected metrics. Metrics can be easily added through the use of the drop-down menu, and removed by clicking on the “X” next to the desired metric. The display can be organized by any of the columns, the number of rows displayed and the data can also be downloaded. Depending on the Ads Manager category and metrics selected, certain features will be available. For example, campaigns can be enabled or disabled by selecting Campaign Status or edited by clicking on the pencil icon. Other categories such as Ad Groups has a metric which allows you to delete the group. The Worksheet also provides the ability to filer the displayed results by the enabled metrics. Clicking on the filter button at the top right of the Worksheet will load search boxes at the top of each metric column. Entering a term into the desired search box will filter the data and display only the data associated with the search term. The following metrics are available for display:- Account
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- New Downloads
- LAT Off Installs
- LAT On Installs
- Application
- Installs
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- LAT Off Installs
- LAT On Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Account
- App ID
- Campaign
- Campaign Status
- Installs
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- Delete
- Display Status
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- LAT Off Installs
- LAT On Installs
- Total Budget ($)
- Daily Cap ($)
- Storefronts
- Account
- App Name
- App ID
- Campaign ID
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue ($)
- Revenue Per Goal
- Cost Per Goal ($)
- Goal ROAS ($)
- Goal ARPU ($)
- Goal AMPU ($)
- Ad Group
- Ad Group Status
- Installs
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Delete
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- LAT Off Installs
- LAT On Installs
- Storefronts
- Campaign Status
- Display Status
- Account
- App ID
- Campaign ID
- Ad Group ID
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue ($)
- Revenue Per Goal ($)
- Cost Per Goal ($)
- Goal ROAS ($)
- Goal ARPU ($)
- Goal AMPU ($)
- Keyword
- Keyword Status
- Bid Amount ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- Installs
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Delete
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- Spend ($)
- ASA Suggested Min Bid
- ASA Suggested Max Bid
- LAT Off Installs
- LAT On Installs
- Storefronts
- Campaign Status
- Ad Group Status
- Keyword ID
- App ID
- Campaign ID
- Ad Group ID
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue ($)
- Revenue Per Goal ($)
- Cost Per Goal ($)
- Goal ROAS ($)
- Goal ARPU ($)
- Goal AMPU ($)
- Ad
- Creative Type
- Status
- Installs
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- Storefronts
- Campaign Status
- Ad Group Status
- Account
- App ID
- Campaign ID
- Ad Group ID
- Goal Event Count
- Goal Revenue ($)
- Revenue Per Goal ($)
- Cost Per Goal ($)
- Goal ROAS ($)
- Goal ARPU ($)
- Goal AMPU ($)
- Keyword
- Installs
- Spend ($)
- Average CPA ($)
- Average CPT ($)
- Impressions
- Taps
- TTR (%)
- Conversion Rate (%)
- New Downloads
- Re-Downloads
- Search Term Text
- Ad Group Status
- Ad Group ID
- Keyword
- Match Type
- Status
- Ad Group ID
- Campaign ID
- Deleted
- Keyword ID
- Modification Time
- Action